Migration and the Coded Language of Colonialism in Contemporary Italy

Wednesday, November 20, 4:30pm Highwaymen Common Room Department of Romance Languages and Literatures 300 High Street, Middletown, CT This talk will investigate the persistence of history and narrative on the body, exploring the ways certain female bodies are bound by gendering and racializing logics that attempt to freeze the body in a particular moment, refusing…

Writing Workshop Colloquium (RSVP Required)

Dr. Rebecca Lorimer Leonard’s talk, “Writing on the Move: Literacy Relays in the Lives of Multilingual Migrants” will take place on Thursday, November 14th, 2019 at 4:30 in Downy House Lounge as the English Department’s annual lecture. The Writing Workshop invites the Wesleyan community to sit down to talk with Dr. Lorimer Leonard about her…

Wesleyan University Joins Nationwide China Event with George Stephanopoulos

Wesleyan University Joins Nationwide China Event with George Stephanopoulos, November 18 Friction between the United States and China in politics, security, and trade affect the global community and influence the lives of every American. To encourage wider discussion of how Americans are being affected, leading political commentator George Stephanopoulos will host a special nationwide CHINA…

Wes and the World Photo Contest Award Ceremony

Did you vote? The verdict is in! Attend the award ceremony to find out the winners! WES AND THE WORLD PHOTO CONTEST AWARD CEREMONY 4:30PM-5:30PM | Fries Center for Global Studies Commons | Fisk 201 5 Prizes will be awarded for People’s Choice Award, Best Photo of Landscape, Best Photo of People, Best Photo of…

International Education Week (IEW) 2019

International Education Week (IEW), November 18-22, 2018, is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education is part of our efforts to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad…

All About Wesleyan’s 2019-2020 Fulbright and Watson Fellowship Applicants

Written by Inayah Bashir ‘20 and Magdalena Zapędowska National fellowships are prestigious, merit-based awards that provide full funding for students and recent alumni to pursue experiences such as international travel, independent research, graduate study in the U.S. or abroad, and English language teaching outside the U.S. The two biggest programs open to Wesleyan applicants are…

Study Abroad Partner Providers Are Coming To Usdan

The Office of Study Abroad (OSA) is excited to announce various provider visits coming to campus as students get back to the grind after Fall Break.  The information tables can be found in the Usdan Student Center. This article provides students with a general overview of our visiting partners and the opportunities they offer below.…

Fully Funded Fellowship to Germany

ATTENTION JUNIORS &SENIORS!!! Come to this information session to learn how you can spend a year in Germany after you graduate! Monday, October 28, 2019 4:30 – 5:30 pm Fries Center for Global Studies Commons *light snacks provided ABOUT THE FELLOWSHIP The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX) is a fellowship funded by the…

OISA Closed on October 24, 29-31

The Office of International Student Affairs will be closed on October 24, 29-31. If you need immigration-related support, please plan ahead. If there is an immigration emergency, please email oisa@wesleyan.edu. If you need a travel signature during the time when the office is closed, please contact Anna van der Burg at avanderburg@wesleyan.edu (undergraduate students) and…

A Dong Shopping Trip for International Students

Fill up your fridge with Asian goodies by taking a trip to A Dong Supermarket after Fall Break! The shopping trip takes place on Saturday, October 26, 2019. You must do the following things to reserve your spot: 1. Complete the registration form 2. Drop off $10 to the Office of International Student Affairs dropbox…

To See With Eyes Unclouded: An Information Session About Majors and Careers for F-1 Visa Holders 

Written by Shakeel Jessa ’21 On Monday, September 23rd, 48 students (28 sophomores, 19 freshmen, and 1 senior) met with representatives from the Office of International Student Affairs (OISA), Gordon Career Center (GCC), and Student Affairs/Class Dean to discuss the post-grad employment advantages afforded to F-1 Visa Holders who pursue STEM majors as undergraduates. The…

The International Students Advisory Board

Written by Shakeel Jessa ’21 “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”- Harriet Tubman.  The International Students Advisory Board (ISAB) is made up of ten undergraduate students who were selected by the Office…

Call for Events: Impact Campus

Impact campus during this year’s International Education Week (IEW) at Wesleyan. What global issues are you passionate about? Are there international concerns that you want to bring attention to on campus? Are there cultural events you want to host or showcase? SUBMIT AN EVENT for IEW 2019. The goal of IEW at Wesleyan is to impact international…

100 Years of Bauhaus

Since 2014, the German Studies Department at Wesleyan has applied for and received funding five times from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Washington D.C. The funding supports events designed to inform the public and spark discussion about contemporary Germany, including relations between the U.S. and the Federal Republic. The events take…

VOTE For Your Favorite Photos!

Each year the Fries Center for Global Studies asks Wesleyan students who have had any global experience over the previous summer and/or previous semester to submit photographs to the annual Wes and the World Photo Contest. This group includes study abroad returnees, international students, exchange students, fellowship recipients, and foreign language teaching assistants. The purpose…