
Meet the Study Abroad Peer Mentors!

Sasha GerberEmail: sgerber@wesleyan.eduSasha Gerber is a senior (class of 2023) and she is majoring in College of Letters and Classical Studies, and minoring in Jewish and Israeli Studies. In the spring semester of 2022 she studied in Tel Aviv, Israel, through the Study Abroad Program at Tel Aviv University. Sasha took intensive Hebrew classes throughout…

A Different Kind of City

As someone who makes being from New York her personality, I was extremely excited to take on a city environment for my study abroad program. While I had convinced myself that the adjustment in London would run smoothly, I was defeated my first night when I ate dinner at McDonald’s because nothing in the grocery…

Meet the New Global Correspondents for the Spring 2023 Semester!

The Global Correspondent Program is an initiative from within the Study Abroad Office that allows students and other members of the Wesleyan community to see what the day-to-day looks like for students studying abroad! This semester, six students were selected as Global Correspondents.    While abroad, Global Correspondents will document their study abroad experience through various…