Tag Archive for Intercultural Learning

In Conversation With Dr. Gebremedhin Gebremeskel Haile

by Tasmiah Akter Dr. Gebremedhin Gebremeskel Haile walks into the room around ten minutes earlier than our agreed-upon meeting time. I extend out a hand to shake his, but I quickly realize that Cheeto dust covers my fingers from the bag I was indulging in seconds earlier. I excuse myself to wash my hands and…

Computational Neuroscience Research in India

by Tasmiah Akter For two months this summer, Maryam Badr ‘25 traveled to the Shiv Nadar University in Greater Noida, India to do computational neuroscience research on hippocampal place cells with Dr. Sachin Deshmukh in the Department of Life Sciences. Maryam chose to take on this endeavor due to her passion for science, medicine, and…

Let’s Talk About Culture (before Studying Abroad): The Intercultural Pre-Departure Workshop!

The Offices of Intercultural Learning and Study Abroad are excited to host an Intercultural Pre-Departure Workshop over lunch for this spring semester’s outgoing study abroad students.  On Sunday, December 3rd at 11:30 a.m. in the Daniel Family Commons, Director for Intercultural Learning, Anita Deeg-Carlin, along with her colleagues in the Office of Study Abroad, will…

Add/Drop’s Saviors: Six Fall 2023 Courses with Seats Available

Add/Drop’s Saviors: Six Fall 2023 Courses with Seats AvailableThis fall, six courses with seats available are being offered in collaboration with the Center for Global Studies. These courses are part of the Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Initiative, which employ the use of languages other than English to explore and discuss topics in…

FLTA Series: Introducing Amira Ounis

Hello! I am Amira Ounis from Constantine, Algeria. Constantine is one of the ancient cities in the world. It is known with its seven hanged bridges that date back to ancient epochs. I graduated from a Teachers’ College in 2017. Since then, I occupied a position of a primary teacher of English in high school.…