Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Workshop

Monday, February 17, 12:15-1:15 p.m. @ Gorden Career Center Wednesday, February 26, 12:15-1:15 p.m. @ Gorden Career Center Wednesday, March 25, 5:00-6:00 p.m. @ Gorden Career Center The four sessions are exactly the same. You only need to attend one. Each session is limited to 20 students. First come, first served. Registration not required. Intended…

Optional Practical Training (OPT) Q&A

Wednesday, February 12, 5:00-6:00 p.m. @ Gorden Career Center Monday, February 24, 5:00-6:00 p.m. @ Gorden Career Center Wednesday, April 1, 12:15-1:15 p.m. @ Gorden Career Center The three sessions are exactly the same. You only need to attend one. Each session is limited to 20 students. First come, first served. Registration not required. Intended…

International Students Tax Information Sessions

For International Students: Even if you did not receive income, but were physically present in the US anytime in 2019, you must submit Form 8843 to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by June 30, 2020.  To help you fulfill your IRS obligations, Wesleyan provides you with FREE access to the easy-to-use Sprintax Tax Preparation online software.  Sprintax will determine your residency,…

Boston Career Trek

  APPLY BY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Explore your career interests, learn more about an industry area, make connections with employers and alumni, and develop critical networking skills by taking part in the Gordon Career Center’s Boston Career Trek program during spring break March 18-20. Industry Areas and Employer Site Visits: Education: Museum of Science, Big…

DEADLINE EXTENDED: The Power of Language Conference

Deadline Extended for the Power of Language Conference! Saturday, April 15, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EST Seeking submissions and presentations on language learning and multilingual living The Power of Language Conference seeks to bring awareness to the many benefits of language learning and to promote the study of languages other than English across campus. It…

Upcoming Study Abroad Provider Visits

Several study abroad providers are visiting Wesleyan in February. Drop by their tables in Usdan, attend an information session, or meet with them one-on-one during open advising hours. They can’t wait to meet you and share more about their program offerings!   The Swedish Program Tuesday, February 11 Info Table in Usdan, 11am – 2pm…

Wesleyan-Fudan Summer Session

Wesleyan-Fudan Summer Session: The Foundations of Cinema  In conjunction with Fudan University’s International Summer Session in Shanghai, China, Wesleyan is offering a one credit Film Studies course taught by our own Professor Lisa A. Dombrowski. “The Foundations of Cinema” is a 24-person, seminar-style immersion in narrative and stylistic analysis featuring discussion of films from around…

OISA Spring 2020 Immigration Workshops

Check out the Events and Programs page on the Office of International Student Affairs (OISA) website. There are CPT, OPT, OPT Q&A, OPT STEM extension info session workshops. For the first time, OISA will also offer “Life after Wes: Managing Your Immigration Status After Graduation” workshops for seniors who are F-1 visa holders. Come to…

OISA Spring 2020 Drop-In Hours

  Welcome back, international students! Here’s Spring 2020 drop-in hours: Tues. 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Wed. 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Thurs. 3:30 – 4:30 pm Fri. 2:00 -3:30 pm If you have a quick question, need to apply for/pick up your social security card, want to have your I-20 signed or want to…

Meet and Greet: Kathryn Kopf ’22

My name is Kate Kopf. I grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and I’m currently a sophomore at Wes. Right now I’m planning on studying American Studies, IDEAS, and the Social, Cultural, Critical Theory certificate, but majors, as you guys probably know, are often subject to change. While I wouldn’t consider myself fluent in any other…

Meet Perri Easley ’23

My name is Perri Easley and I’m from Morris County, New Jersey. I am currently undecided, but I am leaning towards a History/Film Double major with a minor in French. At the Fries Center for Global Studies (FCGS), I serve as a Communications Assistant to ensure a smooth and flawless execution for all FCGS operations.…

Meet Lauren Shackman ’22

My name is Lauren Shackman and I’m a sophomore from New York, NY. I am a potential French and Art History double major. As a Media Assistant, I help with technology assistance in the FCGS Language and Culture Hub! Most of the technology and programs I help with are related to learning languages, which I…

Meet and Greet: Kyllian Pather ’20

My name is Kyllian Pather and I am a current senior from South Africa studying in the College of Social Studies. Additionally, I opened a University Major in Race Studies in Africa and the Diaspora and I am completing the African Studies Minor. I am a Media Assistant here at the Fries Center for Global…