Study Abroad Application Deadlines Extended

The Office of Study Abroad has extended the ViaTRM application deadlines for Fall and Academic Year 2021 programs. Wesleyan administration is currently evaluating whether study abroad will be permitted in Summer and Fall 2021 and an official decision will be made in March. If you are interested in the possibility of studying abroad in Summer,…

4th Annual Power of Language Conference: Call for Papers and Performances

After a year-long pause, the Fries Center for Global Studies is excited to invite you, your students, and peers to participate in the 4th Annual Power of Language Conference to be held remotely on Saturday, April 10, 2021! The organizing committee is seeking paper and performance submissions on language learning and multilingual living. The Power…

28 Wesleyan Students and Alumni Apply for Fulbright Grants

Written by Genesis Garcia ’22 First Row: Jace Arouet, Will Briskin, Chiara Bercu, Elizabeth Edwards, Rodrick Edwards, Daphne Gampel, Kylie Han Second Row: Cole Harris, Eliza Samore, Lupita Sanchez, Emma Shapiro, Tyla Taylor, Ericka Ekhator, Mira Guth Third Row: Francesca Woodbridge, Benjamin Martinez, Justin Kim, Edward Yanez, Ji Yoon Park, David Vizgan, Nola Neri Fourth…

Pablo Wickham ’21 Wins Rhodes Scholarship for Jamaica

Written by Magdalena Zapędowska, Fries Center for Global Studies We congratulate Fitzroy (Pablo) Wickham ‘21 on being named the 2021 Rhodes Scholar for Jamaica. One of the most prestigious awards, the Rhodes funds two to three years of postgraduate study in any degree program at Oxford University. Applicants are evaluated based on academic excellence, other…

Virtual Exchange Courses

With study abroad suspended for the spring 2021 semester, the Office of Study Abroad looked for opportunities to continue to foster global and intercultural learning. For the first time, OSA is able to focus on the 60% of Wesleyan students who do not study abroad and ways for them to develop intercultural knowledge, skills, and…

FCGS Receives Artwork by Lubroth ’00, a Gift from Alice Hadler

Written by Perri Easley ’23 One of the four-part installation, Invisible Cities: Aleppo 1999, was gifted to FCGS by Alice Hadler, who taught, mentored and supported generations of international students and young writers for 25 years at Wesleyan before her retirement in this May. During her time at Wesleyan, Alice oversaw the international student population…

Winners: Wes and the World Photo Contest 2020

Selfie: “Madrid” by Shayna Dollinger Location: Madrid, Spain Traveling to Spain meant immersing ourselves deeply in the beautiful and sometimes problematic history of this country. Here, we took a moment to read about a church in Madrid before we entered the holy site.   Equity: “Unequal Justice” by Geoff Byrne Location: Washington, D.C. Engraved in…

OISA Launches New Website

The newest version of the Office of International Student Affairs’ website went online in November. Months of working with campus partners and taking in student feedback resulted in a comprehensive site designed to meet the needs of Wes’ international population through each phase of their student experience. Most content on the site is divided into…

OISA End of Semester Announcements

The Office of International Student Affairs (OISA) hopes that you had a good fall semester, despite the unique challenges that our world is facing. We are impressed by everything that you have done to make the past few months the best they could be, by taking important health and safety precautions including social distancing from…

Apply for the 2021-2022 ISAB

Want to become more involved with shaping the international student experience at Wes? Apply to be a member of the International Student Advisory Board (ISAB)! ISAB is composed of 7-10 current Wesleyan undergraduate students. The application process, which is open to all undergraduate students on campus, is competitive and seeks to seat a board that…

Meet Your Winter Break Coordinators

OISA is excited to introduce you to this year’s International Student Winter Break Coordinators. Abrar Habib My name is Abrar Habib, a senior at Wesleyan University. I am originally from Dhaka, Bangladesh, but I moved to Reno, Nevada, in 2012. I am majoring in Chemistry, Physics, and the College of Integrative Sciences with a Chemical…

New International Resources via Center for Research Libraries

Wesleyan is now a member of the Center for Research Libraries (CRL). The CRL collections feature approximately five million newspapers, journals, books, pamphlets, dissertations, archives, government publications, and other resources from all world regions. While these shared collections are largely paper and microform (most requestable via interlibrary loan), CRL also provides online access to a…

International Students Town Hall with President Roth

Dear friends,     As we near the Thanksgiving holiday and the end of the semester in December, I am thinking of all our students, but of you, our international students, in particular.  Many of you have not been able to visit your homes and families for some time and will remain on campus during the…

Language Units Strengthen Connections in a Time of Isolation

Written by Camilla Zamboni, Assistant Professor of the Practice in Italian, and Natalia Román Alicea, Assistant Director, Intercultural and Language Learning In a trying time of social distancing and reduced interaction, language units at Wesleyan are acutely aware of how important it is to preserve connections across languages and cultures. Language learning relies and thrives…

Five Wesleyan Fulbright and Watson Applicants Discuss Application Process for Prospective Applicants

Written by Genesis Garcia ’22 On Tuesday, October 20th, 2020, Fellowships at Wesleyan held an informative panel to discuss the application process for prospective applicants. The panel consisted of Lizzie Edwards ’21, Rodrick Edwards ’19, Benjamin Martinez ’21, Susannah Greenblatt ’16, and Fitzroy “Pablo” Wickham ’21, who are all current fellowship applicants for Fulbright grants and the Watson Fellowship. The five…