Study Abroad

A Semester in China

by Baron Fisher After 18 hours of flight time, along with a 12-hour time difference, the first stop of my fall semester abroad landed me in Shanghai, China. I was too excited to be affected by jet lag just yet, but it was disorienting to have almost 2 days disappear from travel. Going forward, I…

Introducing the Spring 2025 Global Correspondents

 Isaías Pagán De Jesús Hola todas todos todes, السلام عليكم and hello! My name is Isaías Pagán De Jesús, and I am ecstatic to be one of this semester’s global correspondents! Who am I? I am a Puerto Rican-born, Arkansas-raised junior at Wesleyan majoring in Film Studies, minoring in Global Engagement, and currently studying abroad…

What’s In My Bag: Study Abroad Student in Paris Edition

by Rose Chen Hello everyone! I’m Rose Chen, an English (Creative Writing) and French Studies double major studying abroad in Paris for the Fall 2024 semester. Having lived in dorms both my freshman and sophomore years at Wesleyan, one of the biggest changes during my time abroad has been adjusting to living and being a…

Spotlight on STEM: Studying Abroad as a Major in an NSM Division

by Julia Gardner Are you a STEM major interested in studying abroad, but worried about being able to complete your requirements? Not sure where to start with figuring out how study abroad fits into your academic plans? The Office of Study Abroad believes that studying abroad can be a key part of every single Wesleyan…

The Language Fair: Bringing the Language Learning Community at Wesleyan Together

by Oleksandra Volakova The Language Fair, organized by the Language Ambassadors at the Fries Center and other passionate Wesleyan students, welcomed visitors with music in various languages, and activities to learn more about them. The students could start their exploration by talking to representatives of the Study Abroad office or Wesleyan Linguistics club, writing calligraphy,…

The Frontier of Modernity

While in Ecuador, Ollie has witnessed the environmental destruction a community in the Amazon is fighting while trying to preserve a healthy and sustainable environment for their children. They saw the ways in which cultural and colonial biases allow for companies to illegally extract resources from this region of Ecuador without significant consequences or oversight.

Summer and Winter Study Abroad Opportunities

by Julia Gardner Interested in studying abroad, but not able to fit a full semester into your schedule? Many program providers also offer winter and summer study abroad experiences, and you can even transfer credits earned back to Wesleyan! Many winter abroad programs have deadlines throughout October or at the beginning of November. Some of…

Introducing Our Fall 2024 Global Correspondents!

by Julia Gardner Wondering what your fellow Wes students are up to all around the world? Curious about what a day in the life studying abroad looks like? Our Fall 2024 Global Correspondents are here to take us along for the ride! Global Correspondents are students who are abroad this semester and will be sharing…