Global Experiences

Fries Center for Global Studies launches Internationalizing the Curriculum Initiative

By most measures, Wesleyan University is a fairly internationalized institution. There is the Fries Center for Global Studies, fifteen languages are taught, study abroad participation is healthy, there are many international students and faculty, and we offer a range of courses dealing with international, transnational, and cross-cultural subjects. For many years, however, perhaps the most visible indicator of internationalization at Wesleyan has…

Wes and the World Photo Contest 2020

Each year the Fries Center for Global Studies asks Wesleyan students who have had any global experience over the previous year to submit photographs to the annual Wes and the World Photo Contest. We are especially interested in submissions from study abroad returnees, international students, exchange students, fellowship recipients, and foreign language teaching assistants, but all students in the…

So Long, Farewell: A Chat with Recent Graduate Zheng Mao ’20

Zheng Mao ’20 is a Freeman Asian Scholar from Chengdu, China. He triple-majored in Mathematics, Economics, and Environmental Studies, and upon graduation, he joined Citigroup Global Markets in New York as a Sales and Trading analyst. He plans to join the commodity trading and research desk and further explore his interests in energy studies. During…

COVID-19 still Wreaking Havoc on Study Abroad

Wrriten by Emily Gorlewski It was going to be the biggest semester in years. 215 students had applied and been accepted for Fall 2020 study abroad programs. Their application deadlines had been February 22 and March 1, just the time that outbreaks of COVID-19 forced Wesleyan to first cancel its ECCO Bologna program and then…

2020 Watson Fellows: Inayah Bashir ’20, Luke Lezhanskyy ’20

Written by Olivia Drake, first published in The Wesleyan Connection As recipients of the Thomas J. Watson Fellowship, two Wesleyan seniors will explore their academic aspirations internationally through a yearlong personal project. Inayah Bashir ’20 and Luka Lezhanskyy ’20 are among 47 Watson Fellows selected from 153 finalists. This year’s class comes from 20 states and…

SOC Panel on Applying to Fellowships

Contributed by Inayah Bashir ’20 On Wednesday, February 12, a few students of color gathered at the Resource Center for a panel discussion about the process of applying to fellowships. The event was co-sponsored by the Fries Center for Global Studies. Three women of color who are current fellowship applicants spoke candidly about their experience…

Upcoming Event: Affording Study Abroad Informational Session

Join representatives from the Office of Study Abroad, Financial Aid, and the Wesleyan Resource Center to learn about financial aid, scholarships, and budgeting for your study abroad experience.RSVP Here!   Wesleyan University and the Office of Study Abroad believe meaningful cross-cultural experience to be an integral part of a liberal arts education. As such, studying abroad is considered an essential component of achieving the intercultural expertise…

Summer In Italy: A Student’s Reflection

Hi, my name is Lexi and I’m a junior at Wesleyan majoring in Psychology. This past summer I had the opportunity of a lifetime to study abroad to Italy for a little over a month during the summer. Through this incredible opportunity I traveled with a group of people, mostly from different SUNY universities as…