Add/Drop’s Saviors: Six Fall 2023 Courses with Seats AvailableThis fall, six courses with seats available are being offered in collaboration with the Center for Global Studies. These courses are part of the Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Initiative, which employ the use of languages other than English to explore and discuss topics in…
Wesleyan’s Newest Fulbright Cohort Shares Application Tips and Plans for Year Abroad

Three of Wesleyan’s recently selected Fulbrighters from the Class of 2023, Anna Tjelveit, Ben Levin, and Nick Bowman, gathered in Fisk Fall on May 3 to share their experiences with other students planning a Fulbright application. They talked about their experiences with the application process and their expectations and goals before departing the US this…
Meet the Study Abroad Peer Mentors!

Sasha GerberEmail: sgerber@wesleyan.eduSasha Gerber is a senior (class of 2023) and she is majoring in College of Letters and Classical Studies, and minoring in Jewish and Israeli Studies. In the spring semester of 2022 she studied in Tel Aviv, Israel, through the Study Abroad Program at Tel Aviv University. Sasha took intensive Hebrew classes throughout…
A summer playing in the dirt: A day in the life as an excavation volunteer at Tel Shimron, Israel
Life at the field school I lived at for the summer began to stir well before the daylight hours in the Jezreel Valley. Each morning, I rolled out of bed at 4am, donned my mud-stained clothes, and stumbled down the stairs in a sleepy stupor for first breakfast, which consisted of a sad cup of…
A Place as Old as Time Itself

Nick Bowman, Class of 2023, spent Fall 2021 in Scotland, Spring 2022 in the Turks and Caicos Islands, and Summer 2022 in Jerusalem studying abroad. The dulcet tones of our pilot’s southern drawl announcing our approach to the Charlotte airport after a semester abroad in the Turks and Caicos Islands seems a distant memory as…
19th Annual Contemporary Israeli Voices series

The Center for Jewish Studies, the minor in Jewish and Israel Studies and the Hebrew Program, presents the 19th Annual Contemporary Israeli Voices series. This year we will continue to celebrate women’s and minorities’ voices. Two women writers from Israel and a Palestinian author who writes in Hebrew will join us via online multi-media presentations…