Fulbright US Student Program Semifinalist News: 19 Semifinalists in 17 Countries

by Diana Zhumalieva and Baron Fisher

The Office of Fellowships at the Fries Center for Global Studies is excited to announce that 19 Wesleyan applicants have been named Fulbright semifinalists. The Fulbright U.S. Student Program partners with more than 140 countries to provide college seniors, graduate students, and young professionals opportunities to pursue graduate study, conduct research, or teach English abroad. Since its founding in 1946, the Fulbright Program has provided educational and cultural exchange for accomplished and passionate individuals from all backgrounds, built lasting connections among a global network of scholars, and fostered mutual understanding through cross-cultural dialogue to solve the world’s most pressing problems. 

The Fulbright Program includes the option to pursue the Study/Research Award or English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Programs. Applicants for study/research awards design their own projects and will typically work with advisers at foreign universities or other institutes of higher education. The English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Program places Fulbrighters in classrooms abroad to provide assistance to the local English teachers. ETAs help teach English language while serving as cultural ambassadors for the U.S. 

This year’s Wesleyan semifinalists have applied to 17 countries: Andorra, Argentina (2), Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Latvia, Madagascar, Mexico (2), Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and Vietnam. To learn more information about the Fulbright Program, register for the Annual Fulbright Webinar on March 7, 2024 at 2pm over Zoom. Fulbright US Program alumni and staff from the national program will share their experiences and more insight into the Study/Research Grants and English Teaching Assistant Program.

Are you interested in applying this year (juniors and seniors) or in the future? Join us online for a webinar or watch live in Fisk 201 on March 7, 2024 at 2pm Eastern. Register ahead to get the link.