#AuntieLookedAmazing at Wesleyan: LaWhore Vagistan’s Lessons in Drag

On the evening of Wednesday, September 27, the Global South Asian Studies Program welcomed LaWhore Vagistan to the stage of the Ring Family Performing Arts Hall.

LaWhore Vagistan, the alter ego of Tufts University performance studies scholar Kareem Khubchandani, is everyone’s favorite overdressed, overeducated, and oversaturated South Asian drag auntie.

LaWhore’s performance was part lecture, part lip-sync, and part audience participation touching on themes that include globalization, feminist theory, and Islamophobia. Dr. Vagistan staged the Ring Family “nightclub” as a site of politics and pleasure, demonstrating how much drag teaches us, even requires us, to be in relation with the rest of the world.

This event was generously co-sponsored by Dance, Feminist & Gender Studies, the Fries Center for Global Studies, Music, and Theater.