Sasha Gerber
Email: sgerber@wesleyan.edu
Sasha Gerber is a senior (class of 2023) and she is majoring in College of Letters and Classical Studies, and minoring in Jewish and Israeli Studies. In the spring semester of 2022 she studied in Tel Aviv, Israel, through the Study Abroad Program at Tel Aviv University. Sasha took intensive Hebrew classes throughout the semester, as well as other classes offered by the program in English, including her favorite class “The Ultraorthodox in Israeli Society.” Through this class she got engaged with the members of the Haredi community in Israel and was able to learn about the community from within. She traveled around the country, made friends with local people, and learned a lot about Israeli society and politics. Sasha also really enjoyed the food culture in Tel Aviv, and can provide recommendations for restaurants, cafes, and bars in the city! She can help students navigate:
● Being an international student at Wes and studying abroad
● Dealing with bureaucracy in a foreign country
● Language immersion

Anna Merrifield
Email: amerrifield@wesleyan.edu
Anna Merrifield is a junior here at Wes. She is a Biology major and is on the rowing team. Anna also enjoys hiking, crafting, and playing guitar. This past fall, Anna did a study abroad program with Sea Education Association, where she had the opportunity to live on a tall ship in the Caribbean and learn how to sail. She loved living on the boat and became super close with her fellow shipmates. Anna chose this program because she loved how experiential the learning was- instead of being in a classroom, the students got to conduct their own coral reef snorkel surveys and take field trips to speak with local historians and policymakers from the islands. This experience gave Anna a lot of confidence in herself as a leader and pushed her to do things she never thought she’d be able to do- like sail a tall ship! She can help students navigate:
● Doing a field research study abroad program
● Adjusting back to campus in the spring
● Studying abroad as an athlete

Nicholas Summerson
Email: nsummerson@wesleyan.edu
Nicholas Summerson is a member of the Class of 2023 and he is a French and Psychology double major. In the spring semester of 2022 he studied abroad in Paris through the Vassar-Wesleyan Paris Program. While he was there he lived with a host family and had a language immersion experience. He was able to travel around France and learn a lot about French culture. His favorite French cheese is
Comté. He can help students navigate:
● Being LGBTQ+ while abroad
● Experiencing culture shock
● Taking care of your mental health while abroad

Isabelle Armstrong
Email: iarmstrong@wesleyan.edu
Isabelle Armstrong (known to most people on campus as Cookie) is a senior majoring in Psychology and Science and Society. She
studied abroad during the Spring 2022 semester in Madrid, Spain with the Vassar Wesleyan Program in Madrid and had an incredible time! While abroad she lived with a host family in the center of
Madrid and took classes completely in Spanish at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She also joined a women’s club soccer team in Madrid and had an amazing time traveling all over Spain and experiencing the country’s diverse culture and sights. Isabelle is excited to be a Study Abroad Ambassador because she thinks everyone can benefit from studying abroad, wants to help students find the right program and destination for them, and help them prepare for life abroad. She can help students navigate:
● The Vassar Wesleyan Program in Madrid
● Preparing for language immersion programs
● Taking care of your mental health while abroad

Andrew Carroll
Email: acarroll@wesleyan.edu
Andrew Carroll is a senior at Wesleyan from Hanover, MA. He is a history major and played Football at Wesleyan for the past four years. In the Spring of 2022, he studied abroad in London through the BU London Internship Program. In this program, Andrew took courses through the London BU school for 4 weeks and then had an 8-week internship opportunity. This program was an amazing
experience where he had the opportunity to intern for a financial institution and work in their marketing and communications department. Andrew chose this program because of the opportunity to study in London and immerse himself in the history and culture of the city, and have the opportunity to work in an office in a major city like London. His favorite part about studying abroad was learning about the history and culture of London and visiting all of the museums and attractions that the city has to offer. As someone who is passionate about sports, having the chance to go and see English Premier League Football matches and take a tour of the historical grounds of Wimbledon was something that Andrew will never forget. Studying abroad in London has been his favorite college experience and it’s an opportunity that he believes every student should get to do. He can help students navigate:
● Studying abroad as an athlete
● The BU London Internship Program

Jackson Belden
Email: jbelden@wesleyan.edu
Jackson Belden is a senior in his final semester closing in on a major in Anthropology and a minor in Data Analysis. In the spring of 2022, he embarked on his own study abroad experience in Bogotá, Colombia with Universidad de Los Andes. On top of contributing to his goal of mastering Spanish in college, Colombia called him with its almost 2000 bird species and wealth of ecosystems. As a birder, co-president of the Wesleyan birding club and nature lover, this program quickly became irresistible. From the Caribbean to the Llanos, this semester included many of Jackson’s most impactful experiences of the last four years. As a study abroad ambassador, Jackson hopes to help other students find opportunities that are similarly impactful for them. He can help students navigate:
● Adjusting to life in your non-native language
● Planning housing, travel, etc. for yourself
● Specific questions regarding the Los Andes program
~ Anna Merrifield, Class of 2024, amerrifield@wesleyan.edu.