Can education be both empowering and oppressive? Can human rights approaches best meet the educational needs of our incredibly diverse global population? Join the College of Education Studies Global Education Lecture Series to learn with six educational researchers, activists, and practitioners from four continents as they share their work. Connect with folks from around the world and right here at Wesleyan to learn about topics such as language rights, rights to comprehensive sex education, LGBTQ+ rights, indigenous youth rights, and child worker rights. Here are the six lectures:
Wed Feb. 15, Petul Gomez, “Retos y amenazas: la importancia de preservar la cultura e idioma Chuj (Challenges and threats: the importance of Chuj culture and language preservation)”
Wed, March 1, Dr. Nancy Kendall, “Sex education in US and Malawi”
Wed, March 8, Fabrice Lookly, “LGBTQ+ Rights in West Africa”
Wed, March 29, Mamadou Ly, “National language education programming in Senegal”
Thurs, April 6, Dr. Alex Allweiss, “Transnational Indigenous Rights”
Wed, April 26, Dr. Miriam Thangaraj, “Child Rights in India”
All the talks will take place in the Fries Center for Global Studies (Fisk 201) at noon; lunch provided. The talks will also be accessible via zoom (see QR code on the poster). The series is organized by the College of Education Studies and co-sponsored by the Fries Center for Global Studies and the University Network for Human Rights.